Jonathan & Paul, Columbus, Ohio | GayInAmerica-2-2.jpg

I’ve lived in Ohio since I was fourteen, and have been out and proud since I was eighteen. I’m forty-four and a sober alcoholic. My partner, Jonathan, and I have been together twenty-one years. We have three boys with a lesbian couple from Columbus—six-year-old twins and a tenyear- old. Jonathan is the biological father of the twins. I work at Ohio State University. I have a passion for social justice and organize diversity workshops and presentations on sexuality and society’s perception of gender roles. Through my volunteer work with the Columbus Stonewall Union I give “Gay 101” presentations to area businesses, high schools, and colleges. My passion for social justice extends beyond equal rights for LGBTs to those across the country and the world who are economically and/or politically disenfranchised. I was in Queer Nation and Act Up and have been arrested twice for pro-peace activities. Over the past couple of years I have concentrated more on local activism. I coordinate a group of colleagues to host a lunch once a month at a family shelter, I make pancakes twice a month for a drop-in facility for LGBT youth, and I cook once a month for another youth group at a center for homeless and runaway kids. Jonathan is the more stable, secure, and responsible one in our relationship. We met in 1986 while students at Ohio State. It was a combination of love and infatuation at first sight. We’ve had to overcome quite a few obstacles to be together. It hasn’t always been easy. He’s a dedicated father and takes his commitments very seriously. He’s a great role model for our kids and for me.