Daniel, San Francisco, California | CA_Daniel_5855_v3.jpg

I’m an Englishman living in America with my partner. In Britain I was a professional stage actor, but since moving to the States two years ago, I‘ve been training in massage therapy and holistic health. I hope to go to UCLA soon to begin a master’s in nursing. My perspective on being gay in this country is tainted by my immigration issue and wanting the right to stay with my partner—a hot green-card-holding Spaniard! Like any straight couple, we chose to live together. But unlike any straight couple, our relationship is not validated by state or federal law. This leaves me jumping through hoops to be here. But would I choose a different way of being? Hell no! Have the suits in Washington tell me how I should live my life? No way! So I will continue to work to be happy and legal, move in the direction that leads me to stay with the man and the country I love. If I step down—they win. Change is happening whether our opponents want to acknowledge it or not. Gay marriage is on the radar, and immigration will have to eventually follow suit. Spain already has it. So does England. California and being gay—I love both! And endeavor to have both!