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The Campa Family - Zach, Juan, Shari, Christian | AARP-Tattoo-CampaFamily1.jpg

Zach: “My brother was diagnosed with depression when he was 12. I didn’t really understand it then, but when I got to college, I started having my own struggles. I got this tattoo two years after my brother got his. I love the phrase ‘This too shall pass.’ For me, it’s a personal reminder that I’ve endured the most crippling anxiety I could ever imagine. I was stunned when our parents told us they were getting the same tattoos. They were being so supportive to us.”

Zach: “My brother was diagnosed with depression when he was 12. I didn’t really understand it then, but when I got to college, I started having my own struggles. I got this tattoo two years after my brother got his. I love the phrase ‘This too shall pass.’ For me, it’s a personal reminder that I’ve endured the most crippling anxiety I could ever imagine. I was stunned when our parents told us they were getting the same tattoos. They were being so supportive to us.”

AARP Disrupt Aging