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Richard Bird | AARP-MaleBodyIssues-Richard.jpg

"I’m proud of my shape. I’ve always been a slim guy. I have a high metabolism, so it’s hard for me to gain weight.  Obviously, I would love to be a more muscular guy. Doing this photo shoot, it was a challenge. Does anybody want to see me without a shirt? I was definitely insecure about my body as a kid. I used to get a lot of flak from friends for being skinny. It got to me for a while. But as you get older, you learn to work with what you have."

"I’m proud of my shape. I’ve always been a slim guy. I have a high metabolism, so it’s hard for me to gain weight. Obviously, I would love to be a more muscular guy. Doing this photo shoot, it was a challenge. Does anybody want to see me without a shirt? I was definitely insecure about my body as a kid. I used to get a lot of flak from friends for being skinny. It got to me for a while. But as you get older, you learn to work with what you have."

AARP Disrupt Aging