Michele Saunders | AARP-HappyHair-Michele-Hair-Final-Web.jpg
![“I started going gray in my 30s, so I did henna. But then I realized everyone was doing henna, so I started using Manic Panic dye. When I found [the bright-green shade of] Electric Lizard, I felt that was my color — I love that it glows in the dark. Everywhere I go, I get compliments on my hair. And you know, it’s good when the kids tell you they love it. I feel comfortable at my age, looking as I do. I have fun.”](http://fast.clickbooq.com/c24792-199/AARPHappyHairMicheleHairFinalWeb-lg.jpg)
“I started going gray in my 30s, so I did henna. But then I realized everyone was doing henna, so I started using Manic Panic dye. When I found [the bright-green shade of] Electric Lizard, I felt that was my color — I love that it glows in the dark. Everywhere I go, I get compliments on my hair. And you know, it’s good when the kids tell you they love it. I feel comfortable at my age, looking as I do. I have fun.”