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Arnie Gonzalez | AARP-MaleBodyIssues-Arnie.jpg

"I was Mr. America in 1994. But over the last three years, I let myself go. My metabolism has slowed down. Instead of a six-pack, I have maybe a three-and-a-half-pack. I’m proud that my face doesn’t look haggard or old. The gray hairs are starting to show, but I’m just happy that I have hair. I’m not crazy about my gut. My wife loves it, so that’s something. It’s her comfy pillow. Either that or she’s making me feel good. But as an ex-bodybuilder, I kind of don’t like the fact that I have a big belly."

"I was Mr. America in 1994. But over the last three years, I let myself go. My metabolism has slowed down. Instead of a six-pack, I have maybe a three-and-a-half-pack. I’m proud that my face doesn’t look haggard or old. The gray hairs are starting to show, but I’m just happy that I have hair. I’m not crazy about my gut. My wife loves it, so that’s something. It’s her comfy pillow. Either that or she’s making me feel good. But as an ex-bodybuilder, I kind of don’t like the fact that I have a big belly."

AARP Disrupt Aging